Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas!

What is political correctness?

At the surface, it appears harmless. After all, what detriment could possibly arise from the practice of avoiding any language that could potentially offend another individual? In one-off conversations, the answer to that question is most likely, "not much." However, taken en masse, the consequence is what we now find ourselves battling with as an American culture.

When you look at some of our not so distant history, you can see the long-term effects of policies that seemed like good ideas with no adverse outcomes at the time they were implemented. The welfare system instated during the Great Depression to help people who couldn't find work eventually evolved into a program that rewarded people for remaining unemployed. Public housing left us with rough neighborhoods and burned out buildings. Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action - systems that were put into place to make a level playing field for all citizens - have enabled reverse discrimination. And if you think there aren't consequences to political correctness, I beg to differ.

You see, the price we're paying for political correctness is a relinquishment of one of our most basic freedoms, the freedom of speech. Do I seek to offend with what I say or write? No. But do I feel like I have to carefully choose my words and tip-toe around my true feelings so that I don't get fired, sued, or one day locked up by our own government? Absolutely. And it is sad that we've allowed ourselves to be sewn into this little box.

The spirit of America is an independent one. Independent people have ideas and opinions and they articulate them. One of the realities of the human race, though, is that not everyone is always going to like what the other guy has to say. There will be dissension and discord. So the choice that is out there is this:

Would you rather give up your freedom and be censored in what you can write, say, and think, or would you rather live with a little rub between you and whatever percentage of the population doesn't agree with your position?

I will take the latter.

And this is yet another reason why I will vote for Mike Huckabee. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes and he will not allow himself to be silenced by the politically correct mafia. Did you happen to see his Christmas greeting? (Link below if you have not.) He said Merry Christmas and he happened to mention that the birth of Christ is the reason for the holiday. Heaven forbid! The way the media is beating on him, you'd think he'd called for the execution of a child. But he doesn't back down or change his position in response to the attacks and I respect him more for it. He even had the audacity (note sarcasm) to defend himself and restate his position on CNN. If you are tired of the PC crowd, you will love the second clip I've posted below.

I want to be free to say/think/write what I want and it is my dream that my children and grandchildren will one day enjoy those same liberties. An old proverb tells us that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and I think political correctness has taken us far enough.

You and I can make a difference. Join me in supporting Mike Huckabee today.

Merry Christmas!
For the Record, I'll Say it Again

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