- Senator McCain's failure to carry the states that Huckabee won (states that typically MUST be won by the GOP to win a general election) brings into focus an extreme vulnerability that the Republican Party will face if John McCain wins the nomination. If he didn't carry these core values states in the primaries, it is unlikely that voters there will be motivated to follow him in the general election. Many voters will stay home. Even the so-called "conservative" media elites have vowed to support the Democrats if McCain is the Republican nominee.
- Mike Huckabee narrowly lost the South Carolina primary and it is quite likely he would have won it had Fred Thompson not been in the race at that point to split the true conservative vote.
- Mitt Romney has also failed to rally the true conservative base. His chameleon-like ability to change color with the political wind has left him exposed as a transparent socialist, posing as a conservative. No amount of money or media brow-beating is going to get the country to buy the load of manure he's selling.
Here is my angle on this situation:
If we send McCain to the general election, he will lose to the Democrats because the Republican Party will not unite behind him. Like it or not, the evangelicals are a large and important segment of the Republican base and Christian leader Dr. James Dobson has already stated that he will not vote for McCain as a "matter of conscience".
Mitt Romney does not stand a chance against McCain and, for the good of both the Republican Party and the conservative movement he claims to be a part of (still not buying it), he should withdraw from the race and throw his support to Mike Huckabee. Huckabee is the only true conservative choice we have in this race and also the only candidate who has the ability to unite the Republican Party through effective communication and a record of unwavering conservative positions. If we can believe what he says and Mitt is truly in this race to leave a better America for his children, he should bow out and support Mike Huckabee. The continuance of his campaign does nothing more than strengthen McCain's position as the GOP leader and increase the likelihood that we will have a Democrat in the White House next January.
Louisiana, Kansas, and Washington, we now look to you. Will you stand up?
Wow! You are completely right!!!!!
If Willard "Mitt" Romney doesn't want to spend his family's entire fortune to get 2nd place, he should get out of the race.
If Romney has any true conservative values, he will endorse Mike Huckabee after he gets out. If he has weak values, as many have said, he will support whoever can do the most for Romney and his future in business and politics.
Wow! You are completely right!!!!!
If Willard "Mitt" Romney doesn't want to spend his family's entire fortune to get 2nd place, he should get out of the race now.
If Romney has any true conservative values, he will endorse Mike Huckabee after he gets out. If he has weak values, as some have suggested, he will support whoever can do the most for Romney and his future in business and politics.
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