Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday

I come to the keyboard today with strong conviction and undying hope that tomorrow the true America will act. I have been witnessing a variety of things in the news lately that tells me the establishment is running scared of Mike Huckabee.

Had his talent been in big news instead of music, I don't think Mozart could have composed a more widely orchestrated and concerted effort to silence the voice of a true leader. The news has been playing a sort of Huckabee Requiem for months now; discounting him as a chanceless contender, laughing at him for his lack of Washington insider and big money connections, trying daily to dismiss him as some right wing evangelical crazy, and doing all that is in their power to marginalize the voice of a man that sounds more like the true heart of America than they wish to admit. They want us to believe that this is suddenly a two man race (that should have you Ron Paul folks pretty fired up, too, if I might add) even though no Republican candidate currently owns more than 97 of the 1,191 total delegates required to win the nomination. Do you not think it absurd that the news is trying to tell YOU that this race is over when it has hardly begun? If I've somehow paid for a ticket to their show, I'd like my money back. And I would also like to make up my own mind about who our next president should be, thank you very much. If our country truly has allowed itself to drop to a point where the media thinks for the people, we are in serious trouble.

This is what I say to you as my fellow American and kind reader:

  • The race is not over.
  • You do have a choice.
  • The media does not have the privelege of telling us who we will vote for.
  • The office of President of the United States should not be for sale; it is not a position to be auctioned to the highest bidder.
  • We our at a crossroads in our nation's history and your vote could never be more important.

Are you willing to stand up for what you believe or are you content to be a sheep, blindly following whatever path the media, big money, and government establishment point you toward?

I believe that we are not a nation of sheep. We are a nation of independent minds with the capacity to make smart choices that align with the values we hold most dear.

  • That we were created as One Nation, under God.
  • That not every action or activity should be acceptable to our society.
  • That government is there to work for the people.
  • That we are a sovereign nation.
  • That the constitution means what it says.
  • That free trade should also be fair trade.
  • That each human life is precious.
  • That we should not be dependent on foreign states or governments for our energy, our food, or our defense.
  • That the dollar should be a strong currency.
  • That the family is the nucleus of a strong nation and that they must be the strength of ours.
  • That we accept immigrants and welcome them to our country but also believe that they should respect our laws, come here legally, and assimmilate to our culture rather than expect us to assimilate to theirs.
  • That smaller government is better than bigger government.
  • That faith, ethics, and morals are good character traits that should be striven for and admired.
  • That we are a good people, a just people, and a strong people.
  • That in our democracy, we have the freedom to choose for ourselves the quality of our leaders.

Super Tuesday is almost here, and I am excited! I am excited because we have a candidate of values and character; a candidate who is a true leader and actually stands for something. I am excited because I know that many Americans out there are also excited to have an opportunity to vote for Mike Huckabee and change the course of our nation. I am excited that they will speak their mind in 20 states tomorrow!

This is our time and our choice. Will you stand and be counted?!

Please vote for Mike Huckabee tomorrow.

Please go to his web site today and read what others have to say.

Please contribute to his campaign if you are so inclined.

Please be the difference that brings a brighter tomorrow to America.

Go Huck!


Anonymous said...

Listen up, ONLY a vote for MITT ROMNEY in Republican primaries is a vote AGAINST MCCAIN, a loser that is being aggressively imposed on us by the establishment and the “mainstream” media. By casting your vote on ANY OTHER candidate you will be helping MCCAIN to win the Republican nomination.

Hucktastic said...

I appreciate your comment, but I have to disagree with you on the premise that a vote for any other candidate (in my case, Huckabee) is a waste. A vote for Huckabee is a vote for Huckabee. And Huckabee for President is a good move for America.

Thanks again for posting!